Hi! I'm Michael.

I am a Full-Stack Applications Developer for the Bakersfield City School District. I create web apps using the Microsoft technology stack with some AngularJS sprinkled in. I strive to create clean and easy-to-use UIs, and I sometimes pop into Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to create modern/flat design icons and images.

In the past, I worked for Microsoft's Public Sector Consulting division creating Windows 8 Modern Apps, Microsoft Office plugins, and Dynamics CRM plugins for various public organizations including the Department of Veteran's Affairs, the Centers for Disease Control, and various branches of the US Armed Forces.

I am a massive supporter of Liverpool F.C., and am frequently found awake at all hours of the night in order to make up for the time difference between California and Merseyside.
In my spare time, I love to experiment with food—blending different cuisines to create new recipes and blends of cultures.
I also tend to spend too much of my time whiffing aerial shots in Rocket League.

Please check out my tech blog in the header, and feel free to reach out using any method in my Contact list!